The Elephant Girly-face
- King had an elephant named girly-face.
- Named that way because she looked gentle, good and kind.
- Robbers break into courtyard near where Girly-face slept.
- Girly-face acted cruel after hearing the robbers talk and she killed one of the poor keepers.
- She kept killing keepers
- King wondered what was wrong
- They got people to talk about nice things to her and it influenced her to change her ways back to the way she was
- Golden deer with silver horns lived in a forest with 500 other deer, he was their king.
- King of the local country wanted to hunt deer for their meat.
- People made the king a park so he could hunt deer whenever he wanted to.
- Two deer king decided to trade off each day which tribe would have a deer die.
- Banyan deer took place of a child deer
- King of the country valued the Banyan king's bravery and he vowed to never hunt deer again.
- Ox named Big Red and his younger brother named Little Red
- Pig was to be fattened before being killed for the farmer's daughter's wedding.
- Little Red grew jealous of the pig for getting the choice food.
- Big Red taught his little brother that it was better to eat lesser food and live a long life than eat good food for a short time only to die.
- Birds decided they wanted to have a king like all the animals had.
- Birds talked over the matter and decided on an owl king.
- Crows complained about the owl and the owl chased them off.
- From then on out the two types of birds were enemies.
- The birds then voted again and elected a turtle dove as their next king and went home.